Sunday, June 17, 2012


Megahertz is a word used to indicate the frequency of a digital pulse. It means a million pulses per second. The timing pulse is the heartbeat of all serial microprocessors. These days this pulse is well above the gigahertz range. Truly impressive when you consider that all microprocessors implement programs written for them one step at a time. The reason that it appears otherwise is in the skill of the writer of the software. These are the instructions that make the hardware work.

From the very beginning they have been very, very fast. As humans we think at great speeds but studies have shown that this is nowhere near the fantastic speed of these massively integrated circuits. Our consciousness and all the wonders that were conceived and accomplished is based on the singular fact that we possess a massively parallel , interconnected human brain. We have on the order of one hundred billion neurons each with about ten thousand connections. So that means that we have a lot of interconnections.

We are not serial but it is hard to imagine a million steps a second. Our eyes would not be able to see this speed if it was simulated on a flashing light emitting diode. We would see a constant light source. Actually the fastest speed that the human eye can see flashing is about sixty hertz or sixty flashes a second. The speed for these  most fascinating digital marvels is only increasing. It will be interesting to see how fast they will become.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just a Quick LONG note

I have been busy lately but that is no excuse not to blog. Sadly my loyal computer that has served me and my family for many years stalled and then would not allow me to upgrade. When I rebooted the hard drive after saving all of my data it refused to give me a more modern version of internet explorer and that was making it impossible to do creative work. This blog site warned me that I had an older version and that would give me problems. Youtube is no longer supporting internet explorer 7 and that would make my wanting to learn about the wide subject areas I am interested in very ,very difficult.

As such I gathered my vast, or no so vast resources and bought another computer with a lot more memory in ram and all new systems. I was amazed that it was so easy to set up and it was soooo fast. So here I am bloging once more.

What also amazes me is the number of people who have taken an interest in my blog. This particular note is not going to be technical but I make no promises about the many future ones that are coming. I am pleased that my audience is from all over this wonderful world. I am humbled that you are reading these words. A most hearty hello to each and everyone of you.