Friday, December 21, 2012

A very very short Blog

I forgot to thank the Russian Space Agency for taking all those astronauts and cosmonauts including one Canadian to the international  space station.

Also let us all feel for our American friends , they are in pain and seem lost. Sooner or later they will see the light.

I could go on and on but what I really know is how to build robots and that is the only subject I will comment on as I have done in the past.


( told you it would be short, not too worry I am already thinking about the next long blog!!)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The End and The Beginning

To all those who have kindly read these words I place down on pages of paper and the transfer to my blog, a most pleasant holiday season. Whatever is your situation, enjoy the warmth and kindness of your fellow man.

As this date approached I felt that it was necessary for an entry. Tomorrow is the last day of the Mayan Calender. Before I go on let me state that I really know a great deal about building robots. I have been fascinated by them for decades and so when I speak about robots I do know what I am talking about. Stating that , I have also looked into the famous date much talked about namely, December 21, 2012.

I know we as a species are facing great challenges and very serious problems. These are approaching us from too many fronts and they seem a bit overwhelming. However I am an optimist. I know that we will live beyond any date made in the past about the final day. It is the manner of how we live that is changing. The is in great flux and our collective future is defined by the choices we make. Our leaders make decisions every single day  and they contribute to the direction our future takes. However it is the great uncountable , myriad choices each individual makes that will be the major force determining this future.

 I have witnessed great cruelty and malice in this human species. However I have seen with my own eyes, amazing acts of kindness and generosity. Sadly bad news makes the headlines and good news is rarely reported. I have found  that people can be very rude and self-centered  but others are kind and thoughtful. This is man's nature and it has to change. Again this has to occur at a very personal level. I cannot be legislated or imposed from without.

This brings me to a point that people tend to take for granted. I have struggled for decades with the problem of how to implement an intelligence into a sentient robot. It has consumed my time and I relish the challenge. My blog Robots and Nothing But deals with this in a more technical way. I have never understood why homo homo sapien, blessed with such an incredible intelligence is still struggling. This wonderful universe after fifteen billion years of evolution has placed this species at the summit. It makes me sad when I see what we could have accomplished and have not. Tomorrow will not be the last but the beginning. One like the world has never seen. One in which we will see a new world slowly, gradually, inevitably emerge from the old one.


Saturday, December 8, 2012

SO Sorry !!

All my life I have tried to express myself in a way that would make me clearly understood. Well I have noticed a lot of traffic on one particular post. I realized that the title was a bit misleading. As such I have renamed that one post.

Now do not get me wrong I am pleasantly surprised when people all this world look at my blog and read my words. I am honored to have so many diverse individuals sharing my thoughts on particular subjects.

At the same time I doubt my blog will be viewed as many times as PSY's  video. However I am alright with that and though I have not blogged a lot lately I shall shortly. 

I know that not everyone will agree with everything I write and that is great. There is nothing, nothing like freedom of thought and the means of expressing it.

I am pleased that so many have viewed my tribute to the Russian moon rover. That robot deserves more attention and a lot of you out in the real world agree.

Take care and I promise to blog shortly.