I am a simple robot builder, quite ordinary, like most people all around our good earth. I find thinking, planning and building robots very, very rewarding. In my wonderful lab-study I feel safe and secure, Even when I sometimes fail in of my robotic ideas, I feel happy.
Then my mind's eye begins to go outside my lab into my city
my country and finally the world. As complex as building robots actually is, the problems and divergent personalities in this world are complete chaos. I have been on this planet for six decades and I am full of opinions and specific points of view. So are most other thinking humans on this planet and yet I feel sad at the present state of the world.
The major powers are posturing and threatening and fuming at each other. To me this type of behavior is very disturbing. Correct me if I am wrong but is this not the twenty-first century. Granted we are in the beginning part of it. My vision, when I was a youth was that in these years there would be much, much, more cooperation and stability. The start of a world more together , not tearing itself apart.
I see my beloved robotic technology used by military types for the wrong purposes in far too many countries. As I have written so many times in so many places, we are a species reaching a tipping point. There are many problems we must solve for our species to survive. As the years pass more problems are discovered. Many brave humans are trying to solve them. However we desperately need help.
Though we may not see it we have help!! Ironically we created it. Robots form the simplest to the most complex are the children of our collective genius. I know with their help the human race will survive and thrive!!!!
As of this long winded note there is much too much about robotic drones. Though I find the conclusions of those who do not know robotic technology amusing at most times, this trend in the media has reached new lows. This new flavor of the week has the robotic ignorant masses enthralled. Though I have my doubts about the size and duration of the power supplies of these flying machines, my biggest complaint is the concept of a robot. For a robot to be a true robot it must be autonomous. No one should be controlling it. From what I have observed, all drones are flown like what they really are, remote controlled toys.
Are we crippling our creations even before they have been built. I know that robotic technology , like all advanced technologies will amplify our human capabilities. Some have amplified our physical attributes. Our modern world abounds with computers and they in a sense amplify our mental capabilities. Now we are at the beginning of a robotic revolution. What human attributes will our intelligent artifacts amplify ???? A very intriguing question.
Human nature has a good side and a darker side. Before there is a collective rolling of the eyes , this conclusion is based on personal observation. There are time we are happy and content and other times when we are sad , upset and even angry. I find I lose my patience when people do not listen to what I am saying. Will the children of our collective genius reflect our good side or our bad side. Robotic technology , much more than any other will definitely be a strong reflection of who we fundamentally are.
Most of us would like to affect change so the world is a better place. Sadly our power to do so is often very limited. We despair and our hearts become heavy. Cheer up, as robot builders we yield a power that has the capability of transforming our world. We must intensify our efforts and never give up.
Finally, I know in my heart that I must help. That is the purpose of these blogs. I am humbled and amazed that so many people from all over this wonderful world actually read my simple words. I have been open and honest about what is important to me and how I see things in the world. I want to encourage everyone to build robots.
Over the pleasant years I have built several robots. Each is unique and I have kept meticulous notes, comments and schematics. I have taken pictures and videos detailing how they work. As a first step I am going to place all these notes etc, on my blog. It is my sincerest hope that many will read it. I hope it inspires others to think about robots and how they are changing the world. I am placing this stuff out there so that I am granted my wish. My wish is that some others take up my cause, get their hands dirty and build robots.
Some will say that it is hard. Well nothing really worthwhile is ever easy. The challenge is exhilarating and once you immerse yourself you will find that it is very doable. Others will say that you need a zillion parts, tools and equipment, the knowledge is too high for us to reach , let alone understand. That is complete and utter nonsense. I learned most of my robotic knowledge by myself, reading books and building circuits. Most robots can be built form common objects and a few good tools. Most of my parts came from the equipment people discarded as waste.
The task is so much easier today. Most big cities have places where you can get parts you cannot find. The internet is full of online stores that have mountains of parts at reasonable prices. Information about robotics abounds in cyberspace. To be a roboticist you must become a renaissance person, in that you will learn and master several disciplines and the focus them to build your robot.
Words alone cannot describe the satisfaction you will feel when after a lot of hard work you gaze at your own working robot. I can say from experience that you will never forget it!!! It will change the world, it will change you !!!