Thursday, January 3, 2019


                                        SUCCESS !!!!

I have decided to end my long silence to say a congratulations to the Chinese space agency. You have done it and it can never be reversed! Chang'e 4 has landed on the so called dark side of the moon. Actually it gets a lot of light. However we on earth only see one side of the moon. 

                                         Chang'e 4

This is an artist's rendition of what  the rover it looks like on the moon's surface. To me this is exciting news, anything in space has always fascinated me . As a human I share  and enjoy the accomplishments of brave women and men in space. I also get a kick when the robotic probes are successful. I have a special place in my heart for all robots. They are our ambassadors to the great unknown and they light the way for mankind to reach out into space. 

Will you look at this amazing photograph!!! I get chills just looking at it! This is a picture of the moon that has never been seen even by telescopes. Great, great work all you women and in the Chinese Space Program. I want to say a personal THANK YOU !!! There are those in this world that only look at their feet or the very simple things on their television and forget to see the wonder that is all around if they only look up. Let the stars get into your eyes!!

Now look at how the signal is being sent to earth. There is not a direct line of sight since the craft is on the other side or farside. So the signal is sent to an orbiting satellite and relayed to Earth. I must say what a neat  and logical solution.  This done because the orbiting satellite is in a lagrangian orbit.  That is a small object will maintain its position relative to a larger object.

It the upcoming days we shall see more pictures as the rover goes for a walk, or in this case a roll. These are exciting times for those of us who appreciate what is going on.

The reason I am writing after a long while is because this is worth standing on the roof tops and yelling to the world to take notice. I have not been this excited since Yutu. However I have noticed that the western news media is not very happy about the news. Though they do tell us there is not the level of respect that they show when the United States does something in space.

Over the years I have seen that most of the people of the world care more about stupid, mundane things. I have seen the great powers of space fight and argue with each other. In this year of 2019 I thought we would be more united and prosperous. This creates in me a profound sadness. I know that at my age I should not be so idealistic , but not being so is no alternative.

Dream with me for a little while. I would like to see the world a happier place where everyone lives in peace. I would like the nations of the world uniting and solving the problems of ecology and society. Then the  entire population can live with enough food, wealth and housing. In order for the universe to be properly explored and used well no one nation alone can do it. It is far too expensive and will require the talents of all of humanity. Space will unite the human race and as such we will be a better species. We must see beyond race and politics and faith and finally realize our destiny !!