Monday, August 6, 2012

CURIOSITY IS ON MARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is so early in the morning and I can breathe again! The people at JPL deserve congratulations! I have just seen pictures of the rovers wheels covered in Martian dust. Curiosity landed safely and survived its seven minutes of terror. Though it is an American effort we all can share in the pride of having another robot on another planet in the solar system.

It makes me very sad that the majority of people on this planet are not noticing this historic event. Even when it is brought to their attention they will shrug their shoulders and say or think so what !! I for one cannot wait to see what this machine will discover!!

In the big picture we see that robots are trailblazers for us mere humans. They go bravely ahead of us to prepare the way for us. Even though we have lost the vision and will a time will come when humans will be on Mars. In order to do this we must put aside our differences an concentrate what makes us one species, and robots are helping in this as well. What marvelous little creatures.

Rest Curiosity, there will be tomorrow for you to begin your work. Thank you for giving us all a new night.!!!!

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